Date on which John Kerry called the crisis in Syria “our Munich moment” : 9/7/2013
On which Lyndon Johnson said that what “we learned . . . at Munich” committed us to intervention in Vietnam : 7/28/1965
Number of times the NSA violated court orders or internal rules on surveillance in 2011 : 2,776
Minimum amount venture-capital firms have invested in cybersecurity start-ups in the past two years : $1,600,000,000
Amount raised in March by Endgame, a company developing surveillance technology for private use : $23,000,000
Date on which former NSA director Kenneth Minihan joined Endgame’s board : 3/12/2013
Number of national governments that requested user information from Facebook in the first half of 2013 : 71
Minimum percentage of requests with which Facebook complied : 62
Number of Facebook users who were party to a class-action settlement after the company violated their privacy : 3,663,543
Total amount the class received in the settlement : $39,000
Total amount the plaintiffs’ lawyers received : $2,364,973
Minimum percentage of federal criminal defendants who qualify for court-appointed counsel : 80
Minimum number of furlough days federal public defenders have taken since March as a result of sequestration cuts : 12,500
Estimated percentage by which the cost to the government rises when private attorneys must be appointed : 28.6
Annual budget of the office of New York City’s Public Advocate : $2,300,000
Amount the city is spending on a runoff election to decide the Democratic nominee for the position : $13,000,000
Percentage of public-school teachers who spent their own money on school supplies during the past academic year : 99.5
Average amount they spent : $485
Percentage of all workers earning minimum wage who are adult women : 64 (see page 6)
Chance that a working U.S. woman makes at least $75,000 a year : 1 in 11
That a working U.S. man does : 1 in 5
Percentage of long-term-unemployed Americans not receiving any federal unemployment benefits : 64
Portion of Americans with individual health-insurance plans who will receive subsidies under Obamacare : 1/2
Chance a middle-aged American woman takes antidepressants : 1 in 4
Average number of years an American suffering from depression waits before seeking treatment : 8
Estimated percentage of the general U.S. population that has attempted suicide at least once : 2.5
Of the U.S. transgender population : 41
Factor by which a U.S. military veteran is more likely than a member of the general public to be transgender : 5.3
Chance that a transgender person has experienced homelessness at some point in his or her life : 1 in 5
Estimated portion of homes in Gary, Indiana, that are abandoned and unoccupied : 1/3
Number of these homes the city has been able to sell to qualified buyers for one dollar : 12
Portion of the hundred tallest buildings currently under construction worldwide that are in China : 3/5
Minimum annual revenue of Silk Road, an e-commerce site for illegal drugs : $40,000,000
Estimated factor by which the amount of “Stuf” in a DoubleStuf Oreo exceeds the amount in a regular Oreo : 1.86
Percentage by which the average NFL fan’s saturated-fat consumption goes up the day after a loss by the local team : 16
Rounds of golf Barack Obama has played since becoming president : 145
Percentage of those rounds in which he played with a woman : 2
Number of people Obama has pardoned since becoming president : 39
Number of turkeys : 8
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